Thursday, July 19, 2012

Peninsula Tea Party | Doctor Speaks on Obamacare


Tea Party Wire | Doctor speaks on Obamacare


With the Supreme Court's ruling on Health Care, Doctor Triepel will discuss the intrusion of "Obamacare" both how its administered and how it affects doctors.


Please join us at Angelo's Steak House to listen to this dynamic speaker.


July 25th - ObamaCare

Wednesday, July 25th

Click on video to play


Obama Care
Dr. Carrie Triepel - Obama Care


Angelo's Steak and Pancake House

755 J. Clyde Morris Blvd

Newport News, VA 23601


As the Supreme Court deemed Obamacare Constitutional, it gives bureaucrats complete control of our healthcare and essentially every aspect of our life.


Dr Carrie Triepel practices hand and orthepedic surgery in Virginia Beach. On Wednesday, July 25th, she will discuss Obamacare, how it affects the healthcare practice and its implications on the healthcare system overall. The meeting will start at 6:30pm with a few business measures then Dr. Triepel.

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Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608

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