Tuesday, April 30, 2013

PTP Wire | EW Jackson to visit May 6th

Issue: # 2013 - 28

April / 2013

In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Featured Video: Authorities raid homes in New Orleans...Boston
Virginia Tea Party Federation Vets Candidates
Upcoming Events 


Peninsula Tea Party

General Meeting

Mon, May 6th @ 6pm

E.W. Jackson Talks About Big Government

E.W. Jackson Talks About

Big Government


 Anna's Pizza

2845 North Armistead Ave

Hampton, VA



 Please order something from the menu to defer any room charges 


Conservative Conclave


Sat, May 4

4pm - 7pm


Belle Mount Vineyards

2570 Newland Road

Warsaw, VA  22572


Join the movement! Help us advance Liberty and Constitutional Rights, the Sanctity of Life, Free Enterprise & Economic Opportunity, Fiscal Responsibility & Budgetary Restraint, a Strong National Defense and the freedom to Trust and Worship God 


Republican Party Convention

Virginia Republican Convention

Sat, May 18


Richmond Coliseum

601 East Leigh Street

Richmond, VA  23219

Featured Video


With the search for the teenager, authorities in Boston raided homes just as they did in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.


The first video is a reminder of the raids to confiscate weapons in New Orleans. During the Boston raids, the methods of raiding are similar.


Our Second Amendment right is an Individual Right that cannot be protected or succumb to either the local, regional, state or federal government.


NRA Never Again - Part 1 of 2
NRA Never Again - Part 1 of 2
Brother Killed MIT Officer because they Needed A Gun (Apr 23, '13)
Systematic House-to-House Raids in Locked-Down Watertown, Massachusetts
Systematic House-to-House Raids in Locked-Down Watertown, Massachusetts
Boston Bomber Found by Smoker on a Smoke Break (Apr 20, '13)
Virginia Tea Party Federation Vetting Candidates


This past weekend, the Virginia Tea Party Federation choose the following candidates for endorsement:


Lieutenant General:

1. Corey A. Stewart

2. Pete Snyder

3. E.W. Jackson


Attorney General:

1. Senator Mark D. Obenshain


Congratulations to Corey Stewart and Mark Obenshein!

This email was sent to meetings@peninsulateaparty.org by info@peninsulateaparty.net |  
Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608

Monday, April 15, 2013

PTP Wire | HRTP Hosts Tax Day Rally

Issue: # 2013 - 28
 April / 2013
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Featured Video: Obama Supporters Actually Hate his Policies
Tax Day Rally - Virginia Beach
Upcoming Events 


Peninsula Tea Party

General Meeting

Mon, May 6th @ 6pm

E.W. Jackson Talks About Big Government

E.W. Jackson Talks About

Big Government


 Please order something from the menu to defer any room charges 



Tea Party Vetting

Virginia Tea Party Federation Vetting


Apr 25 & 26



Republican Party Convention

Virginia Republican Convention

Sat, May 18


Richmond Coliseum

601 East Leigh Street

Richmond, VA  23219

Featured Video


"I'm a liberal and I like the health insurance plan."

Obama Supporters Actually Hate Obama's Policies

Obama Supporters Actually

Hate Obama's Policies


Location: Virginia Beach

Town Center Fountain Plaza


Ken Cuccinelli is our keynote speaker.


Jim Lewallan- Chesapeake Tax Alliance

Good Governance in Chesapeake!


Pat Simons - Portsmouth Taxpayer Alliance - What most

taxpayers endure from city governments


 Janet Gurwell Community Coordinator for Fair Tax


Coby Dillard-Virginia Black Conservatives


Dr. Juan Montero- Champion for Hispanics and Veterans


Dr. Carrie Triepel, What to expect from Obamacare


Mitchell Shaw- John Birch Society - Integrity and activism in spite of media propoganda


Dr. Glenn Kimber - National Center for Constitutional Restoration


Live entertainment with

Wayne Mitchell



This email was sent to meetings@peninsulateaparty.org by info@peninsulateaparty.net |  
Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

PTP Wire | HB 2313 Transportation Bill overturns 2008 Virginia Supreme Court ruling

Issue: # 2013 - 27
 April / 2013
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Featured Video: Introduction to Regionalism
HB 2313 overturns Supreme Court Ruling
How Senate Voted
How the House Voted
Vote No Against Tax Hike

This newsletter discusses HB 2313, the Transportation Bill. While it creates a massive tax burden on Virginians, it funds two regional soviets and overturns a 2008 Virginia Supreme Court ruling. 
Due to the functions of "regionalism", the term soviet is used to describe the role of these regional authorities.
Please contact your representative to oppose voting for this amended bill. Information for contacting your representative is below.


Thank you for your time, the most valuable thing a person can give,
Brian Evans
Upcoming Events

If you have a non-partisan event, please reply to this email with event info



Peninsula Tea Party

General Meeting

Mon, Apr 22 @ 6:30pm


Anna's Pizza

2845 North Armistead Ave

Hampton, VA


 Please order something from the menu to defer any room charges



 Virginia Tea Party Federation

Tea Party Vetting

Fri, Apr 26 and Sat, Apr 27

Mechanicsville, VA



Republican Party Convention

Virginia Republican Convention

Sat, May 18


 Richmond Coliseum

601 East Leigh Street

Richmond, VA  23219


NOTE: The Virginia Tea Party Federation has decided to be involved with the Republican Convention, so details on the Convention will be addressed.

Featured Video


The Hampton Roads Planning District recently received a presentation on America 2050. America 2050 is a top-down federal program that encourages regionalism while competing for federal grants.


America 2050 includes developing regional governments modeled after the European Union and pursuing federal funding and approval. Within this competition, citizens are considered "human capital". Decisions concerning capital (money, property and other assets) are made by central planning boards rather than the free market.


...and approved or mandated by the federal government.

HRPDC Retreat 02212013
HRPDC Retreat 02212013

HB2313 Overturns Virginia

Supreme Court Ruling


HB 2313 Overturns 2008 Virgina Supreme Court Ruling

"Marshall vs. Northern Virginia Tax Authority"


The "Transportation Bill" actually overturns a 2008 Virginia Supreme Court ruling "Marshall vs. Northern Virgina Tax Authority." The court ruled that the bill was not appropriately named and a regional authority did not have the authority to tax. In HB 2313, the General Assembly taxes these regions and passes the authority to prioritize revenue to regional soviets.


In 2007, Delegate William Howell introduced HB 3202 that gave the Northern Virginia Taxing Authority and the Hampton Roads Transportation Authority taxing authorty. These regional soviets have been around for years but this bill gave them power.


In 2008, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled "Marshall v. Northern Virginia Tax Authority" case on two issues, the first was that the bill was not appropriately named and the other was that the General Assembly could not delegate "its power of taxation to a political subdivision charged with the responsibility of addressing regional transportation issues..."


In HB 2313, the General Assembly taxes these regions and delegates the authority to spend the revenue to regional soviets. For that reason, the bill is titled "Revenues and appropriations of State; changes to revenues collected and distribution" and its appropriately named. It also provides another revenue stream for the federal government to control these regional soviets.


Please Call your representatives and state that you do not want to be on a path like Europe or attempt to sacrifice our citizens' and capital to acquire federal funding.





"Transportation Bill" 


floor: 02/23/13  Senate: Conference report agreed to by Senate (25-Y 15-N)


YEAS -- Alexander, Barker, Blevins, Carrico, Colgan, Deeds, Edwards, Favola, Herring, Howell, Locke, Lucas, Marsden, McEachin, McWaters, Miller, Norment, Northam, Puckett, Puller, Ruff, Saslaw, Stosch, Wagner, Watkins -- 25.


NAYS -- Black, Ebbin, Garrett, Hanger, Marsh, Martin, McDougle, Newman, Obenshain, Petersen, Reeves, Smith, Stanley, Stuart, Vogel -- 15.


Find your legislator:    http://conview.state.va.us/whosmy.nsf/VGAMain?openform
















"Transportation Bill" 

 floor: 02/22/13  House: VOTE: ADOPTION (60-Y 40-N)  



YEAS--Albo, BaCote, Brink, Bulova, Cosgrove, Cox, M.K., Dance, Dudenhefer, Edmunds, Filler-Corn, Greason, Head, Helsel, Herring, Hester, Hodges, Hope, Iaquinto, Ingram, James, Jones, Keam, Kilgore, Knight, Kory, Krupicka, LeMunyon, Lewis, Lopez, Loupassi, Marshall, D.W., May, McClellan, McQuinn, Merricks, Minchew, Morris, O'Bannon, Orrock, Plum, Poindexter, Purkey, Putney, Rust, Scott, E.T., Scott, J.M., Sherwood, Sickles, Spruill, Stolle, Torian, Toscano, Tyler, Villanueva, Ware, O., Watson, Watts, Yancey, Yost, Mr. Speaker -- 60. 


NAYS--Anderson, Bell, Richard P., Bell, Robert B., Byron, Carr, Cline, Cole, Comstock, Cox, J.A., Crockett-Stark, Fariss, Farrell, Garrett, Gilbert, Habeeb, Howell, A.T., Hugo, Joannou, Johnson, Landes, Lingamfelter, Marshall, R.G., Massie, Miller, Morefield, Morrissey, O'Quinn, Peace, Pogge, Ramadan, Ransone, Robinson, Rush, Surovell, Tata, Ward, Ware, R.L., Webert, Wilt, Wright -- 40.  


Find your legislator:    http://conview.state.va.us/whosmy.nsf/VGAMain?openform









On the HB2313 substitute


 Let your Legislators know how angry you are about this huge, unnecessary, tax hike!


Tell them this is their last chance to show you that they made a mistake;

that they are not a Big Tax & Spender



In the 'Reconvened Session' next Wednesday, April 3, the General Assembly will vote on the Governor's substitute bill for HB2313, the monster 6 Billion dollar tax hike, which is disguised as a transportation bill. The biggest tax increase in Virginia history and only 3.5 Billion is for transportation.


Please Call your Delegate and Senator and demand a NO vote on this substitute. The original bill will remain and most of it can then be challenged in court. This is the best option there is to kill this Monster.


Here are the original Votes. If your legislator voted against the bill, please thank him and ask for his assurance he will vote NO again next Wednesday. 

This email was sent to meetings@peninsulateaparty.org by info@peninsulateaparty.net |  
Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608