Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Peninsula Tea Party | Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day


PTP Wire | Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day



Welcome to the Peninsula Tea Party Weekly Wire! The Wire provides information about events and legislation that you may not get otherwise.



Excellent Alternatives to Obamacare


Last Wednesday, Doctor Triepel gave an excellent presentation to the Peninsula Tea Party providing alternatives to Obamacare geared toward a more patient-market based healthcare system.


If you wish to view Doctor Triepel's powerpoint slides, the new Obamacare health system and two suggested bills:






"Republican Victory Center"

Thursday, August 2nd


On Thursday, August 2nd at 6pm, Robert Alexander has organize with the call center for those who want to work at getting Obama out of office. Join us at the Newport News Victory Center: 


12715 Warwick Blvd

Newport News, VA 






"Appreciation Day" Wednesday


Recently, Rahm Emmanuel and Boston's Mayor Thomas Menino have threaten to ban Chick-fil-A for their stance on traditional marriage and recognition of religion. Dan Cathy's supports the "biblical definition of the family unit."


This Wednesday is being recognized as Chick-Fil-A Apprecation Day


The Gay-Lesbian community is organizing a same-sex kissing to be held the Chick-fil-A restaurants Friday..





Fauquier Tea Party Assist Farmer's Pitchfork Protest Against Government Overreach 


Fauquier zoning administrator send cease-and-desist notice for selling farm products and hosting a party party without a special administrative permit.




According to the article, "supervisors voted to limit the number of visitors allowed at food- and wine- tasting events to 25, and to limit such events to two per month."







This email was sent to meetings@peninsulateaparty.org by info@peninsulateaparty.net |  
Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608

Interactive Marketing Services





Greetings for the day!


I am William, Online Marketing Executive and I am contacting you after checking your online presence.


To introduce, we are a Leading Interactive Marketing Company and one of the very few organizations which offer 360 degree Interactive marketing solutions with a full range of supporting services such as -


·         Interactive Marketing  

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We are a team of professionals which includes very experienced personnel’s and we zeal for ONLY Customer satisfaction. If you are interested in experiencing our services we can do complete analysis of your business and point out the upgradable areas. We will also suggest strong marketing strategies which will enhance your online presence. This service does not require any charge and is provided free as we aim long term business relations.


Please let me know your interest.


Thanks and Regards,


Online Marketing Executive

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Peninsula Tea Party | Super PAC to Support Light Rail


PTP Wire | Super PAC to push Light Rail



Welcome to the Peninsula Tea Party Weekly Wire! The Wire provides information about local, regional, state and federal legislation that you may not get otherwise. 


One of the best things you can do is forward to someone who may join our mailing list and enjoy our content.



Join Our Mailing List

July 25th - ObamaCare

Wednesday, July 25th

Click on video to play


Obama Care
Dr. Carrie Triepel - Obama Care


Angelo's Steak and Pancake House

755 J. Clyde Morris Blvd

Newport News, VA 23601


As the Supreme Court deemed Obamacare Constitutional, bureaucrats will control our healthcare and essentially every aspect of our life.


Dr Triepel practices hand and orthepedic surgery in Virginia Beach. She will be discussing how Obamacare affects the healthcare practice and its implications on the healthcare system overall. 


The meeting will start at 6:45pm with a few business measures then Dr. Triepel at 7:15pm.


We ask that people attending eat to assist with room fees.


Audit the Fed


Audit the Fed, Congressman Amash supports Ron Paul
Audit the Fed, Congressman Amash supports Ron Paul


Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" bill, H.R. 459, will be before the full House for a vote this week, as early as today. According to OpenCongress, there are NO groups that oppose this bill. 


According to FreedomWorkz, HR 459 will be on the House floor on Tues, Wed or Thurs. You may click here to find your representative.


The Federal Reserve has never been fully audited since its implementation in 1914. Since that time, the dollar has lost over 90% of its value and interest-rate manipulation has created increasingly larger financial bubbles, like the most recent housing fiasco. When these bubbles burst, the middle-class gets burned - losing pensions, savings, and even homes.


It is just as important to note that transparency and accountability go hand-in-hand. In 2010, the Fed was subject to a partial audit thanks to the efforts of millions of activists like you who demanded to know what their government was hiding. The revelations of that audit are startling; the Fed printed at least $16 trillion out of thin air. Some of the world's largest, most profitable companies were bailed out, along with countless domestic and foreign banks, and even foreign governments. H.R. 459 will finally open the books on the Fed.


Call your Congressman and tell them to pass H.R. 459 TODAY. The truth is the central planners at the Fed are never going to stop destroying the value of the dollar and bailing out their friends on their own. It is up to us to hold Congress' feet to the fire by demanding that the secrecy and the bailouts stop. In the last 5 years, you've seen the negative effects of the Fed's inflationary policies, and we cannot afford the cronyism any longer. YOU have the power to stop the bailouts. Please join me in telling Congress that auditing the Fed is non-negotiable and H.R. 459 must pass.


Groups supporting this legislation: www.Freedomworkz.org and www.campaignforliberty.com



Regional Super PAC to Push Light Rail in Virginia Beach


Light Rail Super PAC 
Light Rail Super PAC

A Super PAC, "Move Hampton Roads" is revigorated to push light rail in Virginia Beach. According to HRT, Move Hampton Roads was used in 2007 by the Hampton Roads Partnership to build support for the regional transportation authority. Later, this Authority was deemed unconstitutional by the state Supreme Court. According to HRT, the Super PAC has raised $300K to push light rail in Virginia Beach. 


Several public servants serve on the Executive Committee of the Hampton Roads Partnership to include Hampton Mayor Molly Ward, Newport News Mayor McKinley Price and York Chair Donald Wiggins. According to their website, the Executive Committee meets July 20th and again August 17th but no meeting minutes are published. The involvement of our Mayors, HRP and this Super PAC is unknown. HRP President Dana Dickens states that "Virginia Beach light-rail advocates approached him about reviving the PAC to build support for the upcoming light-rail referendum." 


According to the Newport News Comprehensive Plan, and Hampton Community Plan, light rail is a vision of the future of both locales. Our public servants currently serve on an executive committee that is running a Super PAC to push light rail?


The building of light rail is nearly always overbudget and the daily cost is unsustainable. If it wasn't, they would not need public funding.









Obama Signs $105 billion Transportation Bill Allocating Federal Money to...Regions!




On July 6, Obama signed into law allocating federal funding of $105 billion in a transportation bill. Grants will be allocated to regions and states rather than cities or projects. It was approved by 74 Senators while 19 disapproved and 6 Senators abstained.

This email was sent to meetings@peninsulateaparty.org by info@peninsulateaparty.net |  
Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Peninsula Tea Party | Doctor Speaks on Obamacare


Tea Party Wire | Doctor speaks on Obamacare


With the Supreme Court's ruling on Health Care, Doctor Triepel will discuss the intrusion of "Obamacare" both how its administered and how it affects doctors.


Please join us at Angelo's Steak House to listen to this dynamic speaker.


July 25th - ObamaCare

Wednesday, July 25th

Click on video to play


Obama Care
Dr. Carrie Triepel - Obama Care


Angelo's Steak and Pancake House

755 J. Clyde Morris Blvd

Newport News, VA 23601


As the Supreme Court deemed Obamacare Constitutional, it gives bureaucrats complete control of our healthcare and essentially every aspect of our life.


Dr Carrie Triepel practices hand and orthepedic surgery in Virginia Beach. On Wednesday, July 25th, she will discuss Obamacare, how it affects the healthcare practice and its implications on the healthcare system overall. The meeting will start at 6:30pm with a few business measures then Dr. Triepel.

This email was sent to meetings@peninsulateaparty.org by info@peninsulateaparty.net |  
Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608

Please my Dear I am mrs Esther Williams from Sierra Leone,

Please my Dear I am mrs Esther Williams from Sierra Leone,

I am mrs Esther Williams from Sierra Leone, and my late husband was a former top government official in Burkina Faso. I have a serious issue that I want to share with you, and i will need your help. As I told you before that my late husband is a former top government official, a conspiracy was set against his political career, with what I understand he has a serious problems with Mr President because of an allegation of missing of public funds during his administration in the office as a minister.

our properties and bank accounts in Sierra Leone and outside Sierra Leone has been frozen by Mr. President and i have been Charged to court. I don't know if i will be jailed if found convicted, because in my country, the judiciary is very corrupt, so justice is perverted and as such one should expect the worst violation of human right and justice.

But my lawyer is doing his best so that I don't get sentenced to Jail. Please i need your help to keep an amount of 15 million dollars which is in security company and it was deposited by my late husband but it is not from the government sponsor it is from our bottle water company which I and my late husband billed together before he gat a government
work, that is now presently in a financial institution in Burkina Faso which nobody knows about. If you accept to invest and keep this money, you can take 5 million dollars for yourself. This is better for me, rather than my president should find out to take all the money.

I am happy because the money does not have any trace because all original documents was not found in my residence in Sierra Leone. if This money released to you within a splice of weeks can you be enable to receive it , please can you receive this money with any problem from your government, confirm your telephone numbers and home/office
address for discussion.

Thanks inshaallah
Mrs.Esther williams
please dear i will like you to reply with this E-Mail blow
E-Mail mrsestherwilliamss@gmail.comm

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

E-Z Pass Monthly Fees | PTP


Tea Party Wire | PTP Working Meeting



Welcome to the Tea Party Wire. This newsletter provides information where government infringes on "Individual Rights" rather than "Human Rights".



July 17th - PTP Working Meeting   


Tuesday, July 17th @ 6:30pm


Hampton Public Library

4207 Victoria Blvd

Hampton, VA 23669


Congressman tells Conservative Activists that fighting for the Constitution is a losing battle
Congressman tells Conservative Activists that fighting for the Constitution is a losing battle


Do you believe what the Congressman is saying? His points are very well made, just taken out of context. Representative Gosar is correct in the fact that there are a lot of people who do not believe in the Constitution...but he is not one.


The Peninsula Tea Party (PTP) has scheduled a working meeting Tuesday, July 17th @ 6:30pm at the Hampton Public Library.


Ever notice that when there is legislation that gives Americans more liberties, it always seems to get defeated by...just a few dissenting votes? Even our local government infringes on our property rights and teams up with local universities, businesses and NGOs in controlling our lives. We no longer have a representative government.   


With the Supreme Court deeming Obamacare Constitutional, the ruling on the Arizona immigration bill, EPA or light bulbs, its time to establish a system of accountability and develop an organization that holds our local, state and national elected officials accountable. At this working meeting, concepts and theories will be discussed and feedback welcome. We must come together in fighting against this out-of-control government...so let it be.


Space is limited so please RSVP if you are interested.


E-Z Pass Developing Structure to Manipulate traffic patterns and Collect Monthly Fees


When will the E-Z Pass fee finally get through? VDOT has again tried to impose a $1 monthly fee on the E-Z Pass transponders.



In addition, officials across Hampton Roads wants to install tolls on our roads and bridges. If you go through a toll without an E-Z Pass, it will take your picture and send you the bill with added administrative fees added, eliminating the need for toll booth workers.




According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, "Virginia's E-ZPass customer sevice agreement says the agency's E-ZPass customer service center can change the terms of the agreement at any time by roviding written notice to users."





VDOT to implement tolls to manipulate traffic

VDOT: Tolling in Virginia, Part 2
VDOT: Tolling in Virginia, Part 2


In Virginia Beach and Norfolk, we're already seeing a push to implement tolls on bridges and tunnels. As the video states, "it's to manipulate traffic patterns." Nothing wrong with that if there wasn't the implementation of high speed and light rail, then it will be easy to make people use public transportation.






Obama: If You've Got A Business, You Didn't Build That
Obama: If You've Got A Business, You Didn't Build That
This section demonstrates how helfpful government is in helping small businesses.



Max Baucus Introduced Amendment to ban

"roll your own cigarette operations"


Roll-Your-Own Shops Fear Law Could Shut Them Down
Roll-Your-Own Shops Fear Law Could Shut Them Down


Max Baucus introduced an amendment into the Transportation Bill that shuts down Roll-Your-Own shops.




Fauquier Cites Farmer for Farming


Fauquier is now requiring farmers acquire a "Administrative Special Permit" to sell their produce. If a farmer does not acquie this permit, he could be fined as much as $5,000 for that tomato.





Flashback: Busted for selling? Raw Milk


VIDEO: Raw Milk Raid 10 p.m. Report 6-3-10
VIDEO: Raw Milk Raid 10 p.m. Report 6-3-10

Where does it stop? Why is it illegal to sell RAW milk? This news cast shows that we must acquire permission to conduct all commerce.



July 16, 2012

Congratulations!  Because of grassroots activists like you, reports are now indicating that chances are low that liberals in the Senate will have enough votes to pass the Law of the Sea treaty (LOST). This article lists 30 Senators who signed onto Senator Jim DeMint's letter declaring they will oppose the Treaty, and since the article was published Senator Mike Johanns of Nebraska and Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia announced their opposition, and just today Senators Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire and Rob Portman of Ohio issued a press release announcing their opposition.


But opponents of U.S. sovereignty are not resting, and we can't either!


Once liberals in the Senate realized LOST was probably dead, they dusted off another Treaty that President Obama signed and sent to the Senate for ratification, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).  We issued this alert on CRPD last week when the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations held a hearing on the Treaty.


Senate liberals are determined to expand UN power through whatever vehicle they can, and they have to act now before liberal Republican Richard Lugar, who consistently votes for UN Treaties, leaves the Senate, and presumably, Republican numbers increase next year.  Shamefully, these liberals are continuing their pattern of exploiting the most vulnerable members of our society to justify their power grabs, this time using persons with disabilities, just as they tried and failed using women through the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). 


Last week Senator John Kerry, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a big fan of the United Nations, announced that he will hold a Committee vote on CRPD this Thursday, July 19, 2012, and declared that the Senate will pass the Treaty by July 26th.  This is an unprecedented attempt to jam a binding international treaty through the Senate without proper time for debate or consideration. We must not let it happen!


Take Action!


We need you to call both of your Senators and tell them to vote NO on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities or any other Treaty that comes to the Senate floor this year.


Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121


If you live in a state represented by one of the members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee listed below, please especially urge him or her to vote NO in Thursday's Committee vote.




July 25th - Obamacare 

Wednesday, July 25th @ 6:30pm

Click on video to play   


Angelo's Steak and Pancake House

755 J. Clyde Morris Blvd

Newport News, VA 23601

Obama Care 
Dr. Carrie Triepel - Obama Care



As the Supreme Court deemed Obamacare Constitutional, it gives bureaucrats complete control of our healthcare and essentially every aspect of our life.


Dr Carrie Triepel practices hand and orthepedic surgery in Virginia Beach. On Wednesday, July 25th, she will discuss Obamacare, how it affects the healthcare practice and its implications on the healthcare system overall. This meeting will start at 6:30pm with a few business measures then Dr. Triepel.


We request that you purchase dinner to assist with room fees. 

This email was sent to meetings@peninsulateaparty.org by info@peninsulateaparty.net |  
Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608