Tuesday, November 2, 2010

March 25 2010

March 25, 2010

posted Apr 20, 2010 10:59 PM by admin PeninsulaTeaParty.org
Peninsula Tea Party First Meeting Minutes March 25, 2010
Peking International Buffet, Hampton
The meeting was opened in prayer by Ken Sparks of the HRTP.
Tricia Stall made introductions of special guests/speakers.

Purpose was stated: To meet the needs of those attending in our community. United we stand. Affect the elections/policies occurring in Virginia. Tricia thanked everyone in attendance for what they have been doing for the movement.
Joe Wissler encouraged that local tea parties invite doctors and nurses to speak at their events. It is important that we give them the voice that they have been denied in DC.
Robert Gordon of the Heritage Foundation spoke: He wanted to meet people to learn about the efforts being made here. Their organization is standing behind our efforts. They champion the Constitution, promote individual freedoms and values. You, the people, are on the frontline. He inquired what information they could research/compile that would be helpful to us. Brochures were offered for us to distribute.
Jamie Ratdke President of the Richmond Tea Party and Chair of the Virginia Tea Party Patriot Federation spoke: They are representing a state-wide effort. She stated that we need to commit to steadfast efforts. The opposition wants/expects us to lose momentum and resolve. We have a real voice in the movement with the ability to mobilize. We have to take personal responsibility for our role in the political process. Community outreach is essential. Make efforts to diversify to the minority and young communities. Consider starting college and high school chapters. Express the importance of freedom, liberty & virtue. The VTPPF has a legislative committee disseminating information that will be passed on to member groups by email. Focus your attention beyond the November election. Start with education and courts. It will require a multi-pronged approach.
Karen Hurd, Chair of the Hampton Roads Tea Party spoke: We are not a single issue group. The issue is America. She addresses three main subjects: kids, commodities and constitution. Kids are our future and we must commit to educating the next generation. We must protect the free market and cultivate a culture of appreciation for it. We must defend the US and VA Constitutions. Remind your localities to work according to the local charters. Her call to action: Get Active, Get Educated & Get Seen. Go to the HRTP website to access their Freedomwise Podcast and YouTube postings. Make an effort to get the word out with signs and host events. Participate in elections and the legislative process. This is a war of words, heart and minds.
Kristen Cooper Project Chair of the VA Beach 9-12 Project: Her mission is to partner with the HRTP and to focus on education. The 9-12 is the offensive part of the battle and the Tea Parties are the defensive part. We need both to win. They have many strategies including: 1. Small study groups to build relationships and encourage one another. 2. Campaign beginning in April to establish groups within work/church settings. The small groups should begin with reading the 5,000 Year Leap and then research progressivism. 3. Go door to door and talk to those in your community. 4. Go into schools. This is imperative to restore liberty. Sherry (Slouth?) may be coming in April to offer a Community Organizing Training. We have to influence a paradigm shift to change people’s views about the role of education. She recommended a book written by a Liberty University Professor, Dr. G. (Don?) called A Republic If you Can Keep It available at www.face.net where principles of liberty are directly compared to counterfeit qualities.
Robert Dean the Chair of the Tidewater Libertarian Party and Communications Director of the VB Tax Payers Alliance spoke: They focus on the color of money, private property rights, liberty and budgetary issues. They are apolitical and provide dual services. They are preparing a Press Conference Statement to be sent to Congress which will be tentatively shared on April 15th.
Delegate Bob Marshall spoke: The fact that we were in that room means that we have all been called to act in an intelligent and methodical fashion with reasoned discussion. He shared an experience where he was asked why he was associating with the Tea Party Movement and his explanation is that we were Radical, meaning “going back to our roots.” People’s trust in the government has been replaced with outrage. We must be ambassadors for truth. Legislators are hiding behind the process. Process has been established to guarantee the legitimacy of the outcome. We must hold them accountable. He shared his success of finding and mobilizing 950 citizens who were “right to life” supporters who were willing to assist his campaign. We need ground troops/man power. The current administration is creating legislation that gives the government more power as it strips it away from us. To stop it we must pray, think & act. Be organized. A statesmen realizes that his interests and actions are one in the same. Our legislators have to be required to hold a recorded vote that they can not hide from. They are not watched enough and that is our responsibility. Do not become distracted or dismayed. Prepare yourself, you will be called names.
Recommended Reading: James Burnum-Suicide of the West; Edward S. Gornum-Understanding the Constitution 1967-1975
Many questions and answers were exchanged.
Call to Action:
Organize and schedule to meet again before the Tax Day Rally on April 15, 4:00 at Waterside.
Go to fairtax.org to sign up for emails.
Don’t make any purchases between April 16-19 to show them we have control over our money.
Research CitiGroups accidental release of a statement of customers limited access to their own money/accounts.
A name for the group was discussed. Joe Wissler offered the ownership of the name Peninsula Tea Party which she had utilized previously to schedule the original tea party held in April 2009.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted,
Kirstie Phillips, Poquoson Tea Party Patriots