Convention or Primary?
Sign our Petition

If you are a voter, but have not seriously engaged in party politics, you may not understand the process through which the Republican Party of Virginia select its' candidates. There are two methods used: Conventions and Primaries.
I encourage you to do your own research.
In a nutshell it is easier for a conservative to receive the Republican Nomination through Conventions rather than Primaries. This is because the candidate with the largest grassroots support can enlist a more loyal following to invest a day at a convention. Furthermore, if there are multiple candidates, a convention forces consolidation and run-off's.
In a primary, to get elected, a candidate mostly needs money and name recognition. Money purchases airtime, signs and loyalty, which will turn out votes in a Primary, and the candidate with the most votes wins, regardless of the percentage of the vote - i.e. in a four way race a candidate can win with 25.26 % of the vote, and there would be no run-off.
The sad reality is Primaries often turns out an uneducated voting block either about the issues or the candidates - folks simply know the name of the individual who could purchase the most airtime. It also turns out our opposition, the Democrats, to vote in OUR selection process, generally for the more liberal candidate.
What you may not know is that for the last two election cycles, The Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) has voted to select their candidates through a Primary system, not a Convention. In fact, before the 2011 election, RPV voted to hold primaries for the 2013 selection process. Never before in the history of our Commonwealth has that decision been made that early. Many believe that efforts were strategically done to shut out the newly engaged grassroots activists, who were still focused on the 2011 elections and not forward thinking enough to be watching the strategies for 2013 that were being played out.
Grassroots activists who want to save America are doing so on shoe string budgets. While many candidates say they are conservative, they are fearful of their ability to garner the volunteers to win in a convention, so they are pushing for Primaries. Again, I encourage you to do your own research.
On June 15th, The Central Committee of Virginia will reconsider the vote they took in October about whether our 2013 nomination process should be a Convention or a Primary. I am asking you to sign a petition which will go to The Central Committee of The Republican Party of Virginia, asking them to vote for Conventions.
Send a message that you want Conventions as the method to select your candidates in Virginia.
Here is the link for that Petition - for the entire state of Virginia. Please sign today.
Thank you for your time and serious consideration in this very important matter. If you agree - Please forward this message to your sphere of influence and ask them to sign the petition as well.
Primaries/Conventions - A Significant Segment of the War at Hand
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