Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Peninsula Tea Party | June 27, 2012


Tea Party Wire


Welcome to the Peninsula Tea Party's weekly newsletter.



Postponed Tea Party Meeting


Our Peninsula Tea Party meeting tonight has been postponed.


Please note when future "Save the Date" PTP meetings are scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month at 6 pm, unless otherwise specified: 


Jul 25, Aug 29, Sep 26 and Oct 31


After the 2012 Elections and due to the holidays, we will hold those last two meetings on Mon, Nov 12th and Mon, Dec 10th. 



Rio + 20... "a monumental floundering"


A quote from the extensive, detailed article linked below:

"The Future We Want" Rio+20 Earth Summit should have been named "The Future We Dread" since freedom loving Americans and free market supporters have been pushing back against the destructive march of controlling environmentalists against private property, prosperity, economic development, and sovereignty. We take a collective sigh of relief since the Earth Summit appears to have ended in a monumental floundering...."




ObamaCare Ruling Tomorrow

Nancy Pelosi walks past protestors with big
Nancy Pelosi walks past protestors with big


We anticipate a ruling on Obamacare tomorrow, Thursday, June 28th. Seems like forever since the Senate passed healthcare on that Christmas Eve in 2009. ...or when Nancy Pelosi walked down the street carrying the gavel used for the 1965 Civil Rights bill.

No matter what the Supreme Court rules, our work is not done. If the entire law is thrown out, Congress will likely take up the issue again. The President will use it as a campaign tool to fire up his base and he'll need to be reelected. We cannot let this happen. This Thursday is just another hurdle and we have many more to navigate in order to ensure that the America we know and love is preserved for futured generations. 


NO to Health Care Exchanges



Virginia Tea Party is on record with the VA Governor, along with 5 other grassroots groups, against setting up a Health Care exchange for VA.


This is a succinct explanation of why states should not move forward with an exchange. Please forward to your members so everyone knows the rationale behind our stance against an exchange.


Please contact Governor McDonell and ask him NOT to set up a Health Care Exchange for VA 804-786-2211



High Court Decision on Immigration Law


ALERT from our friends at Progressives for Immigration Reform. Don't let this Thinktank's name turn you off. Leah Durant is one of us and picked this name on purpose. The Virginia Tea Party has been working with Leah for 3 yrs on the immigration issue. Please feel free to contact her. She does an occasional super conference call and will not bury you in email if you get on her list. 


In a ruling issued moments ago the U.S. Supreme Court rejected arguments that leave states no role in enforcing

federal immigration law. Instead, the Court established the rule that the federal government and states should work together to address America's growing immigration crisis.


Although hotly contested, Justices astutely rejected arguments that Arizona's S.B. 1070 would lead to racial profiling. While some provisions were struck down today, the Court let stand the part of the law requiring police to check the immigration status of anyone they detain, so long as there is a reasonable suspicion that the person is in the country unlawfully.


Provisions struck down by the Court were those portions of the law making it a misdemeanor for

immigrants to fail to carry identification, and making it a state crime for illegal aliens to apply for a job. The Court also established that police may not arrest someone based solely on the suspicion that the person is in the country illegally.


The Court's ruling today reinforces that immigration laws currently in place should serve the national interest and promote employment for all Americans.

"It is important to remember that the purpose of immigration has always been to serve the national interest, to regulate labor, and to protect the interest of citizens and legal immigrants already in the country," said Leah Durant, Executive Director of Progressives for Immigration Reform. "In its ruling, the Supreme Court has affirmed that the provisions of S.B. 1070, and similar state bills do nothing more than what is already required by federal law."


Progressives for Immigration Reform is a volunteer 501(c)(3) organization. Our goals are to educate the public on the unintended consequences of mass migration and to promote legislation and policies to address them. Donations to PFIR are deductible for tax purposes.



Progressives for Immigration Reform

888 16th Street, NW

(202) 543-5325

Voter Fraud In the Making?


An email re'd from a friend:

Forgive me if you've received this from another source, but it is absolutely critical that everyone be aware of this. This instance occured in Virginia, but research by the recipients found that this has happened across the country. A friend's wife received a voter registatration form that seemed to be from the Virginia State Board of Elections, but the zip code on the envelope had a different zip code than the actual zip code for the VA Board of Elections. They started doing some research and found that the mail had actually come from a George Soros funded group. As most of you know, George Soros is known to fund Progressive organizations throughout the country including Media Matters and The Center for American Progress.


Please take a moment to click the link below and read the article in its entirety including the linked information within the article. The document that they received included spaces for her to include her social security number and her date of birth with a zip code going to God knows where. Even if you agree with the Progressive agenda you should NEVER provide your social security number and date of birth in a transaction that you did not initiate. These mailings are very likely NOT coming from your state's Board of Elections. BE AWARE and please pass this on.


There is a link to share on facebook and twitter once you click on the article.



Jun 20, 2012 - Congress voted to not do anything about this runaway EPA. The great news is that Senator Warner and Webb voted against the measure but the bad news is that the measure lost 53-46-1. There were five (5) Democrats who voted for the bill, five (5) Republicans voted against with one (1) Republican abstain.
Click here to see how Congress voted.


Tell Senators Warner & Webb to Support

Senate Joint Resolution 37


Millions of Virginia families and businesses could see a dramatic increase in their electric bills and hundreds of workers throughout the Commonwealth could be at risk of losing their jobs if a controversial new EPA regulation is allowed to take effect this year.


The EPA's recent Utility MACT Rule ( regulating mercury and other power plant emissions will increase Virginian's electric bills by as much as 24 percent and could force as many as half of Virginia's coal-fired power plants to shut down, forcing hundreds of workers out of a job and making Virginia more dependent on imported electricity. And, under this rule it will be impossible to build new coal plants in the United States, costing Virginia numerous opportunities for new jobs and economic development.


Please contact Senators Warner and Webb as soon as possible, and tell them not to turn their backs on the millions of hardworking families and small businesses in Virginia that would be hurt by this draconian EPA regulation.


Contrary to what you hear from some environmentalists, coal-fired power plants are only responsible for about one half of one percent of the emissions regulated by this rule. Coal plants in the U.S. produce about the same amount of these emissions as forest fires and less than ten percent of the emissions generated by Chinese coal plants.


Putting this in perspective, we could eliminate all coal-fired power plants in the U.S. - as the MACT Rule aims to do - and we won't have made a dent in 99.5% of the mercury in the air we now breathe. One expert put it best when he said the Utility MACT Rule is "all pain and no gain."


Virginia can't afford to lose more jobs, and our families and small businesses can't afford to pay higher electric bills!

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Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608

Thursday, June 14, 2012

PTP Legislative Alert || Stop the EPA Coal Regs


Legislative Alert!


To respect your time and due to the enormous volume of legislation, this will be the only legislative alert you receive unsolicited, unless you opt-in.


Legislative alerts are sent periodically when legislation is being addressed in one of the chambers (both federal and state) where action or observation is recommended.


OPT-IN. To opt-in, reply to this email stating that you wish to receive PTP legislative alerts. Each time we receive a legislative alert, you will receive an alert. Otherwise, it will be included in our weekly wire.



Tell Senators Warner & Webb to Support

Senate Joint Resolution 37


Also, please urge Governor Mc Donald to use his influence with Senators Webb and Warner

(Vote is scheduled for Mon June 18)


Millions of Virginia families and businesses could see a dramatic increase in their electric bills and hundreds of workers throughout the Commonwealth could be at risk of losing their jobs if a controversial new EPA regulation is allowed to take effect this year.


The EPA's recent Utility MACT Rule ( regulating mercury and other power plant emissions will increase Virginian's electric bills by as much as 24 percent and could force as many as half of Virginia's coal-fired power plants to shut down, forcing hundreds of workers out of a job and making Virginia more dependent on imported electricity. And, under this rule it will be impossible to build new coal plants in the United States, costing Virginia numerous opportunities for new jobs and economic development.


That is why we need your help to urge Senators Mark Warner and Jim Webb to support Senate Joint Resolution 37 that will prevent the EPA from implementing this new rule.


Please contact Senators Warner and Webb as soon as possible, and tell them not to turn their backs on the millions of hardworking families and small businesses in Virginia that would be hurt by this draconian EPA regulation. Here is how to reach them:


Jim Webb 248 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-4024 Fax: 202-228-6363


Mark Warner 475 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-2023 Fax: 202-224-6295


Governor Bob McDonnell 804-786-2211, fax 804-371-6351


Contrary to what you hear from some environmentalists, coal-fired power plants are only responsible for about one half of one percent of the emissions regulated by this rule. Coal plants in the U.S. produce about the same amount of these emissions as forest fires and less than ten percent of the emissions generated by Chinese coal plants.


Putting this in perspective, we could eliminate all coal-fired power plants in the U.S. - as the MACT Rule aims to do - and we won't have made a dent in 99.5% of the mercury in the air we now breathe. One expert put it best when he said the Utility MACT Rule is "all pain and no gain."


Please tell Senators Warner and Webb to stand up for hardworking Virginia families and businesses and support Senate Joint Resolution 37!


Virginia can't afford to lose more jobs, and our families and small businesses can't afford to pay higher electric bills!

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Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Peninsula Tea Party


Tea Party Wire


Welcome to the Peninsula Tea Party's weekly newsletter.



Republican Primary - Vote!

Tuesday, June 12th


Remember to Vote! Today, the Virginia's Republican Senatorial Primary between George Allen, E.W. Jackson, Bob Marshall and Jamie Radtke. (alphabetical order) will occur. The winner will go on to face Democrat Tim Kaine for Virginia Senatorial seat currently held by Jim Webb.



Act for America!

Tuesday, June 19th @ 7pm


Lighthouse Worship Center

4299 Geo Wash Mem Hwh

Hayes, VA  23072

Brigitte Gabriel Event Promo
Brigitte Gabriel Event Promo
Brigitte Gabriel, Founder and President of ACT! for America, will have an event free and open to the public in Hayes, Virginia. She will discuss the threats of radical Islam to America.


Brigitte is a Fox News, CNN guest analyst, author of two NY Time Best Sellers and an advisor to anti-terrorism agencies. She will discuss the growing threat of homegrown jihad, exploiting our porous southern border, successful-effort by Islamists worldwide to suppress free speech and criminalize any criticism of Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood and how Islamic sharia law is creeping into America.


How the history and doctrines of Islam are being misrepresented in public school textbooks and classrooms.


Flag Day 

Thursday, June 14th 


During times when "God Bless the USA" is offensive, Old Glory's Day will be this Thursday. It is only ironic that the first Flag Day celebration occurred in Wisconsin in 1885 when a schoolteacher had students observe June 14 as "Flag Birthday" or "Flag Day".


Believe it or not, Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation in 1916, calling for the national celebration of Flag Day thus establishing it as a national event. 



"Walker in Wisconsin"

If Scott Walker wins Wisconsin's recall election, labor will suffer a self-inflicted wound


Union Stooge Weeps Over Walker Victory:
Union Member Weeps Over Walker Victory: "Democracy Died Tonight!


Last week, all five Wisconsin legislators (including Governor Scott Walker) returned to Madison to continue work. With the attempted recall, the American Federation of Teachers membership has declined from 17,000 to 11,000.



Peninsula Tea Party Events 


June 27th - Get Out The Vote

Wednesday, June 27th


The Peninsula Tea Party will be holding a "Get Out the Vote" working meeting. During this meeting, we will discuss developing a permanent Peninsula Tea Party Voter Registration program. Details of the location are still being worked. Please respond with suggestions.


July 25th - ObamaCare

Wednesday, July 25th 

Click on video to play 

Obama Care
Dr. Carrie Triepel - Obama Care


Angelo's Steak and Pancake House

755 J. Clyde Morris Blvd

Newport News, VA 23601


Dr Carrie Triepel will join us on July 25th to discuss Obamacare and its implications on our healthcare system. She is a surgeon that practices hand and orthepedic surgery in Virginia Beach.


Dr. Triepel will discuss how Obamacare affects her practice and medical care. As the Supreme Court rules on Obamacare in June, the verdict should not capitalize how the federal government is infringing on our liberties. What is next?


This meeting will start at 7pm on Wednesday, July 25th.


Save the Dates

Please note "Save the Date" for future PTP meetings. They are scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month at 6 pm, unless otherwise specified:


August 29th

September 26th

October 31st


After the 2012 Elections and due to the holidays, we'll hold our last two meetings of 2012 on Nov 14th and Dec 7th.  



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Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608

Monday, June 4, 2012

Peninsula Tea Party


Tea Party Wire


Welcome to the Tea Party Wire. Due to the amount of information and events, we must send out weekly newsletter.  


Peninsula Tea Party

June 27th - Get Out The Vote

Wednesday, June 27th


The Peninsula Tea Party will be holding a "Get Out the Vote" working meeting. During this meeting, we will discuss developing a permanent Peninsula Tea Party Voter Registration program. Details of the location are still being worked. Please respond with suggestions.


Save the Dates

Please note "Save the Date" for future PTP meetings. They are scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month at 6 pm, unless otherwise specified:


August 29th

September 26th

October 31st


After the 2012 Elections, November 14th and December 12th will be held the second Wednesday of the month.


Our work has only begun.


Peninsula Tea Party

July 25th - ObamaCare

Click on video to play 

Obama Care
Dr. Carrie Triepel - Obama Care


Angelo's Steak and Pancake House

755 J. Clyde Morris Blvd

Newport News, VA 23601


Dr Carrie Triepel will join us on July 25th to discuss Obamacare and its implications on our healthcare system. She is a surgeon that practices hand and orthepedic surgery in Virginia Beach.


Dr. Triepel will discuss how Obamacare affects her practice and medical care. As the Supreme Court rules on Obamacare in June, the verdict should not capitalize how the federal government is infringing on our liberties. What is next?


This meeting will start at 7pm on Wednesday, July 25th.



"Education or Indoctrination"

Friday, June 22nd

10am to 4pm


Holiday Inn

2000 Staples Mill Rd

Richmond, VA 23230


Prince William County TEA Party Patriots will host their Second Annual Education Summit on Friday, June 22nd from 10am to 4pm.


This event is for people with a passion for fixing our K-12 Education System. It's designed for activists working on textbooks, Standards of Learning, collateral materials and approaches to teaching our children.


To register for this event, it's $25 for the enitre day and includes lunch and refreshments. Please visit to register:



Convention or Primary?

Sign our Petition






If you are a voter, but have not seriously engaged in party politics, you may not understand the process through which the Republican Party of Virginia select its' candidates.  There are two methods used: Conventions and Primaries.


I encourage you to do your own research.


In a nutshell it is easier for a conservative to receive the Republican Nomination through Conventions rather than Primaries. This is because the candidate with the largest grassroots support can enlist a more loyal following to invest a day at a convention.  Furthermore, if there are multiple candidates, a convention forces consolidation and run-off's.


In a primary, to get elected, a candidate mostly needs money and name recognition.  Money purchases airtime, signs and loyalty, which will turn out votes in a Primary, and the candidate with the most votes wins, regardless of the percentage of the vote - i.e. in a four way race a candidate can win with 25.26 % of the vote, and there would be no run-off.


The sad reality is Primaries often turns out an uneducated voting block either about the issues or the candidates - folks simply know the name of the individual who could purchase the most airtime.  It also turns out our opposition, the Democrats, to vote in OUR selection process, generally for the more liberal candidate.


What you may not know is that for the last two election cycles, The Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) has voted to select their candidates through a Primary system, not a Convention.  In fact, before the 2011 election, RPV voted to hold primaries for the 2013 selection process.  Never before in the history of our Commonwealth has that decision been made that early.  Many believe that efforts were strategically done to shut out the newly engaged grassroots activists, who were still focused on the 2011 elections and not forward thinking enough to be watching the strategies for 2013 that were being played out.


Grassroots activists who want to save America are doing so on shoe string budgets.  While many candidates say they are conservative, they are fearful of their ability to garner the volunteers to win in a convention, so they are pushing for Primaries.  Again, I encourage you to do your own research.


On June 15th, The Central Committee of Virginia will reconsider the vote they took in October about whether our 2013 nomination process should be a Convention or a Primary.  I am asking you to sign a petition which will go to The Central Committee of The Republican Party of Virginia, asking them to vote for Conventions.


Send a message that you want Conventions as the method to select your candidates in Virginia.


Here is the link for that Petition - for the entire state of Virginia.  Please sign today.



Thank you for your time and serious consideration in this very important matter.  If you agree - Please forward this message to your sphere of influence and ask them to sign the petition as well.


Primaries/Conventions - A Significant Segment of the War at Hand



Nebraska "Establishment" candidate

Lost in GOP Primary


Last month, Senator Lugar lost his primary in Indiana. This month, Deb Fischer won over another establishment candidate. Even though Deb Fischer was not a Tea Party candidate, she was endorsed by Sarah Palin and Hermaine Cain.


It was a victory for conservatives even splitting the vote. It is time we start working that same magic here on the Peninsula.


Read More


On the Lookout

WISCONSIN Recall Election

"the impact of an organized Tea Party"


Tomorrow will be the Wisconsin recall election for Governor Scott Walker, his Lt Governor and four other Senators.


The Los Angeles Times article freezes Governor Walker as the nemesis of the Unions and Democrats who are fighting against the "greedy oligarchs out to force the working class to its knees." It does not mention that Governor Walker turned an economy into a surplus, minimal teachers were laid off and businesses are moving to Wisconsin. Just makes the emotional appeal that the superheros of Unions and Democrats are fighting off the nemesis of Scott Walker and the Tea Party.


The Tea Party has been working hard in Wisconsin. Of course, the media does not mention it but they are working hard. With the media propaganda, unions, Democrats and some Republicans, it only shows that the sleeping giant has awoken. This recall election only highlights the importance of the Peninsula Tea Party organizing. So WHEN that fight comes here...we are prepared.




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Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608