Sunday, January 27, 2013

PTP Wire | Va TPP Federation Oppose/Support Legislation

Issue: # 2013 - 22
 Jan / 2013
In This Issue
Legislator Template Letter
Priority Legislation: Support: HB2229...NDAA Push Back
Pitchfork Protest for HB 1430 - Boneta Bill
HB 797 on SMART Meter
HB 1616 prohibits domestic use of drones
HB 2340 Bob Marshall bill on Second Amendment
Oppose: Agenda 21 (HB 1450 & SB824)
As you can see, the Tea Party has been hard at work. Over the past three years, we have assisted with monitor legislation and now the Va TPP Federation has an oppose/support list. Please take a few minutes to review the legislation and let your voice be heard. Below is legislation that the VTPPF opposes and supports. In addition, they have drafted a template letter so you may cut and paste an email to your representative.
Please become familar with this legislation. You may review the bills at:
In addition to the attached legislation, the Federation also opposes any new program, tax, fee, tax credit, extension of sunset dates or grants that do not have a budget offset. We support down sizing government and welcome spending cuts.


If you have any questions, feel free to respond. Also, please respond if there are any corrections, legislation you feel is missed and do your own research concerning these discussion topics.
Thank you,

Dear Legislator,

The list attached are bills in which the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation supports and or opposes in which I agree.


We have identify legislation traceable to United Nations and have provided a separate list of bills specific to Agenda 21. We ask to please vote NO on all legislation that would further diminish property rights. This list provides legislation establishing / expanding environmental 'credits' which will expand the Cap and Trade system. 


Thank you very much for serving in Virginia's citizen legislature. We will support your efforts as you work to protect the precious freedoms afforded Americans by our United States and Virginia Constitutions.




Your Name



General Legislation (Agenda 21/Property Rights on Pages 4 & 5)
SupportHB 1337Polling place procedures; voter identification requirements.
SupportHB 1374Summary judgment; use of depositions.
SupportHB 1385Labor organization representation; right to vote by secret ballot.
SupportHB 1421U.S. Constitution; delegates to attend convention to amend.
SupportHB 1430Right to Farm Act; expands definition of agricultural operations.
OpposeHB 1448Septic systems, failed; financing for repairs.
OpposeHB 1457Estate tax; reinstates for persons dying on or after July 1, 2013.
OpposeHB 1490Tuition, in-state; eligibility of student, approval for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
OpposeHB 1525Tuition, in-state; undocumented persons.
SupportHB 1555Virginia State Virtual School; established as statewide school division, report.
SupportHB 1577TANF; restrictions on use of cash assistance, DSS to develop procedures for enforcing provisions.
OpposeHB 1592Early voting; any registered voter qualified to vote in election may vote in person.
SupportHB 1601Civics Education, Commission on; extends sunset provision.
SupportHB 1616Drone aircraft; limitations on use, report.
SupportHB 1617Student organizations; prohibits higher educational institutions from discrimination.
SupportHB 1618Civil cases; conduct of business activity, change of venue.
SupportHB 1624Virginia Public Procurement Act; contracts with state agencies for transportation facility, etc.
OpposeHB 1664State plan management partnership exchange; review and approval.
SupportHB 1667Alcoholic beverage control; mixed beverage licenses for certain properties in Smyth County.
SupportHB 1676Service of process; in order to be timely, must be made within six months from commencement.
SupportHB 1689Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995; approval required for comprehensive agreements.
OpposeHB 1695Community and agricultural net metering; State Commission to establish.
OpposeHB 1696Dulles Toll Road; authorizes VDOT to enter into an agreement with MWAA.
OpposeHB 1699Personal property tax, tangible; computer equipment and peripherals used in data centers.
OpposeHB 1717Comprehensive plan; transportation component shall be consistent at interstate and primary levels.
SupportHB 1747Voter registration; registration activities by third parties.
SupportHB 1764Virginia Voter Registration System; State Board of Elections to develop.
SupportHB 1765Voters; procedure for disqualification of persons convicted of felony.
OpposeHB 1769Health insurance; plan management and rate review.
SupportHB 1773Nonsuits; fees and costs.
OpposeHB 1784Accident and sickness insurance; individual open enrollment program.
SupportHB 1787Polling places; identification required to vote.
SupportHB 1788Elections; identification to register to vote and present at polls.
OpposeHB 1808Virginia Public School Improvement Program; established.
SupportHB 1887Rail-to-Dulles Project; places limitations and conditions on expenditure of revenues of State.
OpposeHB 1900Health insurance reform; revises State's laws.
SupportHB 1905Restoration of civil rights; automatically eligible to vote upon completion of his sentence.
OpposeHB 1926School boards, local; selection, abolishes selection commissions in school divisions.
SupportHB 1934Tuition, in-state; undocumented persons to meet certain criteria.
OpposeHB 1979Dulles Greenway; authorizes Commonwealth Transportation Board to issue bonds to acquire.
OpposeHB 1980Dulles Greenway Authority; created.
SupportHB 2001General Assembly; no committee shall report any bill that creates a new refundable state tax credit.
SupportHB 2004Trespasser; possessor of real property not liable for injury.
SupportHB 2012Drones; moratorium.
SupportHB 2015Paper ballot; voter entitled to cast when electronic system is available.
SupportHB 2059Landlords; reduces amount of income tax credits that may be issued each fiscal year.
OpposeHB 2078Public procurement; increases public notice of requests for proposals, technical amendments.
OpposeHB 2087VA Jobs Investment Program; moves administration of Program to VA Economic Development Partnership.
SupportHB 2098School boards; releases from state regulation.
OpposeHB 2107Absentee ballot procedures and count; requires prompt counting immediately after close of polls.
OpposeHB 2108Low-income residential customers; reduced electricity rates.
OpposeHB 2115Telephone carriers; intrastate switched access charges.
SupportHB 2119Early voting; registered, qualified voter may vote in person from 10 to three days before election.
OpposeHB 2131Real property tax; modifies and clarifies special taxes that Fairfax County may impose.
SupportHB 2132General Assembly; prohibits any committee from reporting bill containing new sales & use tax exempt.
OpposeHB 2159Tuition, in-state; eligibility of student, approval for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
OpposeHB 2196Tolls; Interstate Highway System components.
OpposeHB 2199Standards of Learning; Board of Education to promulgate regulations.
OpposeHB 2204Polling places; location shall not be in public or private school building.
OpposeHB 2208Candidates in elections; party nominating methods.
SupportHB 2229Detention & removal of citizen from State; notification to SPS & locality by federal government.
SupportHB 2255Voter lists; State Board of Elections to update, etc, list of persons who voted at elections.
OpposeHB 2285Alternative fuels; establishes tax rate for biodiesel fuel, etc., used in operating highway vehicle.
OpposeHB 2313Revenues and appropriations of State; changes to revenues collected and distribution.
OpposeHB 2319Hampton Roads Sports Facility Authority; name change.
OpposeHB 2320Sports or entertainment arena; City of Virginia Beach may construct for professional sports teams.
SupportHB 2323Motor vehicles; locality may reasonably limit number of title loan businesses, payday lenders, etc.
SupportHB 2331Election laws; enforcement and prosecution of violation by Attorney General.
SupportHB 2335Transportation Revenue Fund; established, report.
SupportHB 2336Foreclosure; use of false records, documents, or statements.
SupportHB 2340Agency, political subdivision, etc., of VA; prevents assisting federal government in investigation.
SupportHJ 594Constitutional amendment; limit on appropriations (first reference).
SupportHJ 635Federal revenue; JLARC to study amount Virginia receives at state and local level annually.
OpposeSB 687Virginia Casino Gaming Commission; created, penalties, report.
OpposeSB 689Virginia Casino Gaming Commission; created, penalties, report.
OpposeSB 692Income tax, corporate; eliminates tax for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2014.
OpposeSB 695Va. Toll Relief Act and Va. Casino Gaming Commission; regulation of casino gaming, penalties.
OpposeSB 696Va. Toll Abatement Act and Va. Casino Gaming Commission; regulation of casino gaming, penalties.
OpposeSB 697Va. Transportation Enhancement and Toll Abatement Act and Va. Casino Gaming Commission; regulation.
OpposeSB 700Taxes on fuels; issuance of bonds.
OpposeSB 714Va. Toll Mitigation Act & Virginia Casino Gaming Commission; regulation of casino gaming, penalties.
OpposeSB 717Sources of revenue; establishing and adjusting for appropriations of State and its localities.
OpposeSB 733Virginia's fuels taxes; annually changing rate by using changes in fuel efficiencies of vehicles.
SupportSB 734Foreclosure; use of false records, documents, or statements.
OpposeSB 767Retail sales and transient occupancy taxes; taxes on room rentals based upon charges for use, etc.
OpposeSB 780Accident and sickness insurance, individual; open enrollment program.
SupportSB 797Electric utilities; advanced meters.
OpposeSB 805Elections; costs of primaries.
SupportSB 810Legislation; prohibits any committee of General Assembly from reporting bill impacting localities.
SupportSB 827Federal statutes or regulations; implementation of regulatory stringency standard.
OpposeSB 855Transportation; funding and administration.
OpposeSB 860State entities; procurement by using public-private partnerships.
OpposeSB 865Tolls; General Assembly to approve prior to imposition and collection on Interstate Highway System.
SupportSB 874Absentee voting and procedures; secure return of voted military-overseas ballots.
OpposeSB 918Coal severance license taxes, local; establishes gross income for certain purposes. Emergency.
OpposeSB 921Health insurance reform; revises State's laws.
OpposeSB 922Health insurance; plan management and rate review.
OpposeSB 924Virginia Health Benefit Exchange; created, report.
SupportSB 925Retail Sales & Use Tax; increases amount of revenue dedicated to Transportation Trust Fund.
SupportSB 935Public schools; change to teacher contracts and evaluation policies.
SupportSB 962Officers of election; local electoral board may appoint person 17 years of age, requirements.
SupportSB 967Absentee ballot; eliminates requirement applicant provide reason cannot vote at polling place.
SupportSB 988Voluntary regulatory self-assessments by banks; privilege.
OpposeSB 994Mortgage loan originators; conforms Virginia statutory law to federal regulations.
SupportSB 1077Registered voters; citizenship, SAVE Program.
SupportSB 1129General Assembly; general appropriation bills.
OpposeSB 1133Personal property tax, tangible; computer equipment and peripherals used in data centers.
SupportSB 1138Virginia Nuclear Energy Consortium.
SupportSB 1151Virginia Student Achievement Fund; established.
OpposeSB 1155Electoral boards; appointments shall be on nonpartisan basis.
SupportSB 1168Elections; method of nominating party candidates.
SupportSB 1180TANF; restrictions on use of cash benefits.
SupportSB 1189School boards; releases from state regulation.
OpposeSB 1207Public schools; Bd. of Edu. to develop individual school performance grading system.
OpposeSB 1240School resource officers; local law-enforcement agencies to provide.
SupportSB 1244Virginia Retirement System, etc.; retirement allowance for certain retired persons.
SupportSB 1256Voter identification requirements; photo ID required at polls.
OpposeSB 1260Candidates in elections; party nominating methods for statewide or General Assembly district office.
OpposeSB 1261Health benefit exchange; regulation of navigators.
SupportSB 1275Medical data in an electronic or digital format; limitations on use, storage, sharing, & processing.
OpposeSB 1301Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority; export of Virginia products and services.
OpposeSB 1321General fund balance; assignment of fund surplus to Transportation Trust Fund at end of fiscal year.
OpposeSB 1328Revenues and appropriations of State; changes to revenues collected and distribution.
SupportSB 1331Drone aircraft; limitations on use, report.
OpposeSB 1338Tolls; General Assembly to approve for use on any component of Interstate Highway System, exception.
OpposeSB 1339Electric utility ratemaking; revises certain incentives & other provisions applicable.
OpposeSB 1340Revenues and appropriations of State; changes specifically relating to transportation funding.
SupportSB 1353Uranium; establishes process for DMME to issue permits for mining of uranium ore, report.
OpposeSB 1355Revenues and appropriations of State; changes to revenues collected and distribution.
OpposeSB 1361DRPT; analysis of proposed project provided to General Assembly.
SupportSJ 299Transportation, Virginia Department of; JLARC to study efficiency of Department.
SupportSJ 338Environmental regulation; need for reducing burden of EPA regulations.
Agenda 21/Property Rights
OpposeHB 1324Efficiency Evaluation Fund; established, grants to localities.
OpposeHB 1397Dan River; designates 15-mile segment as component of Virginia Scenic Rivers System.
OpposeHB 1398Land preservation tax credit; unissued tax credits.
SupportHB 1399RS&UT; deletes portion of tax exemption for pollution control equipment and facilities.
OpposeHB 1408Planning commissioners, local; removes requirement that members own real property.
SupportHB 1429Zoning; attorney fees.
OpposeHB 1450Hampton Roads Planning District; additional 1% sales & use tax in counties in District.
SupportHB 1488Stormwater management program; delays date local governments will have to for administering.
OpposeHB 1521Virginia Residential Property Disclosure Act; required disclosures, tourism activity zones.
OpposeHB 1556Divisionwide ratios of students to teachers; changes to schoolwide ratio.
OpposeHB 1565Affordable housing dwelling unit program; allows governing body to amend its zoning ordinances.
OpposeHB 1566Recordation tax; authorizes localities to impose additional tax at rate equal to 1/10 of state rate.
SupportHB 1697Real property tax; special valuation for land preservation.
SupportHB 1718Transportation projects; reimbursement of VDOT by localities & metropolitan planning organizations.
OpposeHB 1727Water and waste authorities; rates and charges.
OpposeHB 1753Meherrin River; designates 17.8-mile segment as component of Virginia Scenic Rivers System
OpposeHB 1757Aquatic Resources Improvements Fund; established.
OpposeHB 1758Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority; export of Virginia products and services.
OpposeHB 1768Environmental courts; district court or circuit court may establish, specialized court dockets.
OpposeHB 1799Natural gas utilities; investments in qualifying projects.
OpposeHB 1828Rail transportation; DRPT to purchase land for construction of lines.
SupportHB 1839Home-produced operations; exempts food products processed in homes from certain regulations.
OpposeHB 1943Electrical utility facilities;
OpposeHB 1946Renewable energy; amends existing portfolio standard program.
SupportHB 2041Access roads and bikeways; authorizes Board to establish guidelines for use of rec. access funds.
OpposeHB 2048Water quality; transfer of responsibility for administration of programs.
OpposeHB 2070Mass Transit; removes all current allocations made by CTB and implements performance-based funding.
OpposeHB 2072Condemnation; local application process.
SupportHB 2090Renewable energy facilities; eligibility for incentives.
SupportHB 2137Localities; environmental impact reports and purchase of certain deicing agents.
SupportHB 2142Farm wineries; locality may not regulate activities.
OpposeHB 2152Transportation commission membership.
SupportHB 2190Stormwater management ordinances; requires localities to adopt more stringent requirements.
OpposeHB 2209Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board; powers and duties.
OpposeHB 2220Banister River; designates a portion of Virginia Scenic River System.
SupportHB 2223Private property rights; prevent infringement of under United Nations' Agenda 21.
OpposeHB 2245Virginia's Future, Council on; extends sunset provision.
SupportHB 2258Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995, etc.; review of proposals.
OpposeHB 2261Investor-owned electric utilities; electric utility ratemaking.
OpposeHB 2273Enterprise Zone Grant Program; redesignation of certain joint enterprise zones.
OpposeHB 2283Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority; designated as an agency in executive branch of state.
OpposeHB 2296Virginia Urban Best Management Practices Cost-Share Program Fund; established.
OpposeHB 2326Regional strategic plans; preparation and adoption by planning district commission.
SupportHB 2334Electric utility regulation; sales by net metering sellers.
OpposeHJ 669Renewable energy; Commission on Electric Utility Regulation to study portfolio standard program.
OpposeSB 1023Electric utility regulation; exemption for purchases from renewable energy sellers.
OpposeSB 737Nonmotorized vessels; freshwaters of State shall be open certain times for purposes of recreation.
OpposeSB 748Building Revitalization Grant Fund; created, report.
SupportSB 768Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plan; directs state agencies to remove Lynnhaven River.
OpposeSB 819Tourist Train Development Authority; created.
OpposeSB 821Bristol Virginia Utilities Authority; grants Authority 'quick take' condemnation powers.
OpposeSB 824Hampton Roads Planning District; additional 1% sales & use tax in counties in District.
OpposeSB 852Renewable energy facilities; eligibility for incentives.
OpposeSB 880Nontidal waters; DGIF, et al., to inventory those in State for recreational use.
OpposeSB 884Impoundment structures; notice of increase in the flow of water, penalty.
OpposeSB 886Affordable housing; substitutes Washington-Baltimore Metro. Statistical Area for Charlottesville.
OpposeSB 894Uniform Statewide Building Code; who may be cited for violations.
SupportSB 909State park master planning; Department of Conservation & Recreation shall solicit comments, etc.
OpposeSB 926Wetlands; governmental activity.
OpposeSB 932Landlords; tax credit for those in eligible housing area.
OpposeSB 956Electric utility rate schedules; declining block rates.
OpposeSB 977Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995, etc.; review of proposals.
OpposeSB 1054Virginia Chesapeake Bay; added to list that may receive contributions of taxpayer refunds.
SupportSB 1081Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995, etc.; additional requirements.
OpposeSB 1095Wastewater treatment facilities; authorizes Va Public Building Authority to issue bonds.
OpposeSB 1134VA Jobs Investment Program; moves administration of Program to VA Economic Development Partnership.
OpposeSB 1212Environmental Quality, Department of; provision of information, protection of trade secrets.
OpposeSB 1257Virginia's Future, Council on; extends sunset provision.
OpposeSB 1259Electric utilities; renewable energy portfolio standard program, eligible energy.
OpposeSB 1269Renewable energy; amends existing portfolio standard program.
OpposeSB 1279Water quality; transfer of responsibility for administration of programs.
OpposeSB 1283Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority Fund; established.
OpposeSB 1316Wetland delineator; requirements for certification.
OpposeSJ 331Study; mandatory renewable energy portfolio standard program; report.






HB2229   Passed out of Committee  . Floor votes next week


CoLA's intent in asking Delegate Cline to sponsor this bill

was so no one could be "spirited away" under section 2010 of the 2012 NDAA.


Please support Delegate Cline for sponsoring this bill for us! 

Contact your Delegates and urge them to vote YES on HB2229


Find your legislator:

(weekend Voicemail works)


HB 2229 Detention & removal of citizen from State; notification to SPS & locality by federal government.

01/25/13  House: Reported from Militia, Police and Public Safety with substitute (19-Y 3-N)

YEAS--Lingamfelter, Sherwood, Wright, Cline, Gilbert, Merricks, Morefield, Edmunds, Wilt, Webert, Morris, Fariss, O'Quinn, Head, Rush, Lewis, Tyler, Filler-Corn, Surovell--19.

NAYS--Hope, Kory, Lopez--3. 


Pitchfork Protest for HB 1430 


The "pitchfork protest" that received national attention in August of 2012 is coming to Richmond on Monday, January 28, 2013.


There will be a rally at the Bell Tower on capitol grounds at 3:30 p.m. and a press conference at 4:00 p.m. in support of the Boneta Bill, HB1430.  


The bill is scheduled to be heard by the House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Resources Committee has sent the bill to the sub-committee on Agriculture on Monday at 5:00 p.m. in the 5th Floor East Conference Room.


HB1430 protects the rights of farmers to engage in commerce for the sale of agricultural products and byproducts without interference and over-regulation by local government.


Please copy and paste the email addresses below and remind members of the sub-committee you expect them to protect the inherent rights of farmers by sending HB1430 to the floor for a vote:,,,,,,



HB 797 on SMART Meters 


SB797 was also carried over to the next meeting of the Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor and will be heard on Monday, January 28, 2013 1/2 hour after session adjourns in Senate Room B.


We all want to reduce our use of energy and it's costs but the use of advanced meters has been reported to:

  • cause significant health problems due to over-exposure of high-frequency radiation levels.
  • cause fires due to incompatibility of wiring in some homes.
  • provide tracking of energy use at any given moment; what type of electrical devices are in use; when you are awake or asleep; when you are home or away; when you have quests visiting; and when someone else moves into your home.


If risks to your health and fires are not bad enough, imagine the fodder for thieves who are able to obtain the information this device tracks.




HB 1616 prohibits domestic use of drones


Also on the docket for Monday, January 28, 2013:


Makers of drones are pushing Congress to open the skies to their use to provide law-enforcement and local code enforcers the ability to spy on you.  


In Virginia, the law prohibits law-enforcement from tracking you using GPS or to intercept your personal communications without a warrant.


Why is that? Because it violates the 4th amendment.


Why, then, should they be allowed to use unmanned drones to follow you and take pictures of you to track your activity without a warrant?


HB1616 prohibits the domestic use of drones for surveillance by state agencies, organizations, or any department of law enforcement in Virginia without a warrant.


The bill came up late in the day on Monday, January 21. Arguments from both sides were heard but there were members of the committee who had not read the 13-page bill so it was carried over until their next meeting on Monday, January 28, 2013. The meeting convenes immediately after session adjourns in House Room C.


Please copy and paste the email addresses below to contact members of the sub-committee and urge to vote in favor of HB1616 and send it to the House floor:,,,,,,,, 




HB 2340 Bob Marshall introduces EO Bill for Second Amendment


Please help get the word out on this new bill. Just introduced on Friday. Many thanks to Bob Marshall. 


Please call your own state delegate and senator and ask them to co-patron and vote for this bill. Spread the word!  Thank you! 


Offered January 18, 2013

A BILL to prevent any agency, political subdivision, or employee of Virginia from assisting the Federal government of the United States in any investigation, prosecution, detention, arrest, search, or seizure, under the authority of any federal statute enacted, or Executive Order or regulation issued, after December 31, 2012, infringing the individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms by imposing new restrictions on private ownership or private transfer of firearms, firearm magazines, ammunition, or components thereof.


Patron-- Marshall, R.G.





AGENDA 21 on steroids!   ....... 




Hi Everyone,

You have to be knee deep in comprehending A21 to understand what these companion bills would do!

They are included on all 3 Federation support / oppose list that have gone to every Republican in the GA.


Quote: Dr. Charles Battig...... "All they [NGOs] lack is taxing authority"


HB1450 & SB824 establishe a "new fund". The planning district has the sole right to spend this money:

  •  New 1% sales tax in the regional planning district which goes from Gloucester to the NC border.
  •  The right to Issue bonds.
  •  Millions (if not billions) to spend
  • And they plan all the projects with no required input from anyone.


The GA Needs to approve expenditures but all the projects will be determined solely by the Hampton Roads Planning District.

Ballot referendum required but those generally pass quite easily........


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