The event is FREE! We are,however, seeking DONATIONS…no amount is too small! We need to raise funds to offset our costs (airfare, accommodations, conference room). Donations can be made by sending a check to CCHT P.O. Box 128 Seaford, Va.23696 (you can request your name be included in the evening's program if you wish.) (For info. on Rosa Koire: Visit her website Democrats AgainstUN Agenda 21 and/or view her sites and videos on the Internet.)
Here you'll find Meeting minutes postings or links to news stories about meetings or announcements of upcoming meetings and events.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
agenda 21 presentation
The event is FREE! We are,however, seeking DONATIONS…no amount is too small! We need to raise funds to offset our costs (airfare, accommodations, conference room). Donations can be made by sending a check to CCHT P.O. Box 128 Seaford, Va.23696 (you can request your name be included in the evening's program if you wish.) (For info. on Rosa Koire: Visit her website Democrats AgainstUN Agenda 21 and/or view her sites and videos on the Internet.)
Peninsula Tea Party
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Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608 |

Friday, April 20, 2012
PTP contact infromation
Hello Patriots,
Just wanted to send one last email before I turn this over to Brian Evans. My understanding is that Brian has volunteered take over leadership. I have not heard from CarlAnderson or Lynda Fairman as to their plans for the Tea Party.
I did transfer all of your addresses into my
I will contact you from that address about an Agenda 21 meeting coming up in May with Rosa Koire.
Thank you again from all of you that you do and being such a great committed group of patriots. It has been an honor to keep company with YOU!
Mary Leedom
I did receive the following notice from Lynda.
Appears that she and Carl are making plans for for all of us.
Appears she is setting up a new committee, and conducting business ex parte!
In spite of the following quote: (While I occupy the YCRC Chair, routine business of the YCRC will be conducted at scheduled meetings with the approval of the membership as appropriate. Your requests fit into this category of routine business. Please bring these matters up at the next YCRC meeting under "New Business" on the agenda. I do not intend to conduct YCRC business ex parte (outside the knowledge of the entire membership).
Spring Greetings, Everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter/Passover and are enjoying the spring weather (in spite of the pollen)!
Exciting news continues for the YCRC! Re-elected Hampton City Republican Committee (HCRC) Chairman Carl Anderson thought of coordinating all Chairmen of the Peninsula Republican Committees to create a coalition to work together for victory. Since the different legislative districts cross over several of our communities, it makes perfect sense to work together to win elections and get to know our fellow Republicans around the Peninsula. There's strength and victory in numbers!
With this coordination in mind, we've come up with an idea: a monthly "Saturday Republican Fellowship Breakfast" to highlight guest speakers on important issues and winning campaign techniques. The organization and location for these events would rotate among the participating Peninsula Committees so no one is "stuck" with planning this every month. (The HCRC has been hosting successful Saturday information/fellowship breakfasts for 30 years!) These breakfast gatherings would be focused on the topic and guest speaker for everyone's interest, leaving Committee business during our regular monthly meetings with shorter programs during those times. These Republican Fellowship Breakfasts will be a great way to invite others to join us, too!
I'm looking forward to working with the other Chairmen on this endeavor. If you would like to volunteer to be on the YCRC's special committee to organize our dates & speakers for these breakfast events or if you have speaker contacts, please let me know.
Also - keep an eye out for informational emails from me regarding upcoming events on important issues and campaign training in the area sponsored by other conservative groups (i.e. The Leadership Institute, Peninsula Tea Party, Middle Resolution PAC, etc.) We're all working for the same goal in November and to restore our Constitutional Republic! I'll pass along the information so you can attend the trainings as you choose.
Take care, and see you at our YCRC meeting on May 3rd !
Lynda Fairman
Chairman, York County Republican Committee
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Peninsula Tea Party
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Peninsula Tea Party | PO Box 14332 | Newport News | VA | 23608 |